12 worst gifts for children
Here is my special list just in time for Christmas... Disclaimer: This is from a parent standpoint. The kids all love and ask for these things. Some of them I refer to as 'kid crack'. 1. Moon sand---Seeing the immanent danger I immediately relegated this to an outside toy. Unfortunately, ours was hot pink and the kids patched the cracks in our driveway with it. It stayed that way for months. 2. Finger paints---Teaching your kids to paint with their fingers, I feel, sends the wrong message. P.S. Blue is not washable no matter what it says on the bottle. 3. Playdoh paraphernalia---Playdoh itself is debatable among parents but the 'sets' (aka ice cream station/BBQ station) are creations of the devil. Fun the first time but then the playdoh gets in all the crevices, hardens and blocks them up. They should come with special tools like a miniature ice pic. 4. Polly pockets---I once bought into the Polly p...