Because eenie meenie minie mo

What the frick was that?!!! I come running from the other room because it sounds like a class five disaster.  God forbid I be in the basement because everything sounds like a trip to the ER from down there.  Luckily its just a giant basket of toys I had on a shelf....wait for it...
that one of the twins had climbed up and catapulted off.   When I ask, 'Why did you do that?'  She replies, 'Because eenie meenie minie mo.'
So cute, right? 
Ya, it was.  Now we are on the millionth eenie meenie minie mo and I'm starting to loose it.  Now I'm calling bs on the naughty sh*$.  I mean I called it earlier but no one was listening so now I'm really calling it.
I know sometimes we do things we shouldn't and we can't explain why but I'm this close (I'm holding my fingers VERY close together) to calling in an exorcism. Eenie meenie minie mo my ass!
I don't understand why the twins won't go to sleep at bedtime and then why they wake up at 5:45.  If I ran like they did I would only be awake from 9-5.  Also why do they feel the need to run opposite directions, preferably in a crowed area?  My inability to herd my children is shameful.  I don't understand my six year old daughter crying over every little thing.  Yesterday it was because I told her she looked like a chipmunk (she had stuffed cereal in her cheeks). Uh, sorry, get over it!  I mean is there some pre-PMS thing I'm unaware of?? 
I don't understand why my four year old can't walk anywhere, only running.  Although I did see him doing the grapevine the other day and was impressed.  Also, why can't he use an 'inside voice' ever or at least stop shouting 'LING, LING, LING!!!!'.  He may need meds.  And above all, why is no one listening to me!!!!???? 
Whatever.  I guess because eenie meenie minie mo.  Carry on.


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