The Yin To My Yang

In order to 'appear' balanced I will now follow up yesterday's rant, Pet Peeves, with all the things I'm grateful for. 1. My family, even if some of the things they do make my other list, they are truly amazing. I could list them all individually with their wonderful attributes but I would probably loose most of you as it would take forever. 2. My friends. They make me laugh. If someone really gets you and then likes you anyways they are keepers. 3. Anyone who watches my kids!! Thank God for you. You are also probably a friend at this point. 4. Fuzzy blankets 5. Tupperware 6. Nature... When it isn't biting me or causing me other kinds of physical pain 7. Tea 8. Long talks about nothing that result in inside jokes 9. Bible study and everyone involved 10. Wise people like Yoda. I guess he's not a 'person' but whatever. 11. Old people that don't care what anyone thinks or who they piss off and say outlandish things. 12. Which leads me to... Inner monologues 13. Watching my kids open a present 14. The moment when my kids 'get' something...firsts 15. People that make eye contact and smile 16. Google and questions I don't have the answer to. 17. Exotic places until I get diahrrea---then I'm done. 18. Obliques muscles on athletic guys. Superficial? Yes. Hot? Yes. If my hubs wants to say boobs are hot he can. 19. My husband can't say boobs without laughing. 20. When people fall, as long as they aren't hurt, it's funny. I once watched a blind mad accidentally trip a man with his walking stick. I almost peed my pants. 21. Zit popping. Some people say gross but I say get rid of it! 22. True confessions and truth bombs. Also honest people. 23. Flip flops, I prefer my rainbows 24. Old t-shirts, especially if they have a good story 25. Words of yonder such as lolly gag, thingamajig, shucks, yowsers and do-hickie....are all I can think of on the fly 26. Nap time. 27. Traditions 28. Random outbursts of song, also singing songs on the telephone, also Campbell's songs with no words 'ling, ling, ling!!!!' 29. Good food and good company. 30. Harmony (aka peaceful moments) 31. Running with a good play list, also playlists my friends make. 32. Pictures. And extra memory to store them. 33. Babies, especially newbies. I want to bite their little baby cheeks---lovingly obviously! 34. Starring at the sky 35. Shredding powder. Also fresh snow before its been shredded. 36. Being on the top of a mountain 37. Air conditioning. Sorry nature. 38. Jesus... I guess it's bad he's 38. Sorry JC. He says he forgives me. 39. Lists. Like this one, not grocery... 40. Christmas and Christmas music all year---true confession 41. Holidays and vacations 42. Cabins. Especially the one and only and all the sayings and gin rummy that go with it. 43. Things that are lost in translation or at least very misunderstood (fanny) 44. Being married and the things that go with that ;) 45. Good news.


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