Nude Attitude

We are at the pool. One of my friends says I think your son is flashing everyone. In my mind I'm thinking surely not but at the same time we are talking about a four year old boy with a history of pants dropping. I turn around and sure enough he's flashing everyone his business. Ugh!! I yell at him to pull his pants up and ask him why?? Why?!!! He's explains he is wet. I explain he is wearing a swimsuit and therefore going to be wet. I tell him it's a pool rule to keep your clothes on. He readjusts and accepts the rule, at least for the next 15 minutes. Then it's time to go and I tell the kids to put their clothes on. He immediately strips. That one was my fault, I admit. It seems every morning,after many warnings and even after setting his clothes out, I'm yelling 'put your underwear on....for the love of all that is good and decent!'. The first half hour of his day he spends buck naked. Why???!!!! He also seems to have a fixation with his 'wee man'(as we call it in our house). I'm wondering if this is just a guy thing. Why??? We were getting ready for my five year old daughters preschool graduation. As I'm getting my daughter dressed, I notice a 'situation'. I say, 'you okay there, buddy?'. He replies, 'yes but my wee man keeps hanging out and if he comes out.....graduation is cancelled.' Good to know. I understand it's complicated down there but is it that complicated. Put your flipping underwear on, adjust if you need to and get on with things! My friend Katie stopped by. In an effort to help out she started putting sunscreen on the kids. When she asked my four year old if she had got everywhere, he pulled his pants down and said, 'you didn't get my wee man'. I think she may have set herself up for that one. If I could just teach him to keep it put away I think I will have done my job as his mother. I'm not uptight and like to think I'm actually pretty relaxed in the body department. I understand he is only four and am not freaking out as he goes streaking out the door but I do have a request.....put your flipping underwear on, for the love of all that is good and decent!!!!!


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