Reality Check Please

It's seven a.m. I've just hit the switch on the kettle and am starring out the window willing the four voices in the background to be quiter. (Can't a girl ease in to her day??!) My five year old who starts kindergarten in the fall pipes up...'Excuse me mommy, could I get a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon please?' This thought crosses my mind: ass beating. Yes, will she get her ass beat at school??? I will now list things I've encountered, recently, that may or may not get my child beat up in public schools: 1. Asking for hot water/tea with a slice of lemon 2. Being obsessed with hand sanitizer 3. Correcting grammar 4. Saying you prefer quinoa over brown rice 5. Telling everyone you enjoy spending your summers in Scotland 6. Telling boys you love them just to drive them mental. 7. Saying 'Actually' and the proceeding to correct others inaccuracies. Ex: Look at that lava Isla. Actually, that is under the ground so it is called magma...And comence ass beating. 8. Reminding others of their manners or lack there of 9. Not being able to decide on a favourite vegetable but leaning towards sugar snap peas 10. Delegating tasks 11. Telling others to watch their sugar intake and asking 'is that a healthy choice?' 12. Having daddies low tolerance for incompetence 13. The kind of self confidence that results in the answer 'besides me' when asked who is the best at anything. ...and so much more. God, I love that girl...but I'm a little worried. A friend of ours little girl ran into some problems on the playground with the other girls being mean and so I decided to do some role playing with Isla. I said '[girls name] is having some trouble with some mean girls on the playground. What do you think she should do?'. Isla sat and thought about it for a minute, then said, 'I think she should walk away'. Before I could praise her for a great answer she drops her voice with a hint of anger and says, 'And let ME handle it!' So close. Oh well, wish us luck.


  1. HA! Based on this, I think you should be more concerned that she will be the ass beater, not the ass beaten.


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