'I want a dog!' The one phrase most parents anticipate and dread all at once. You know it's coming. It's only a matter of time. However, maybe like me, you think lets get ahead of the game and try to satisfy these people with a low maintenance replacement pet. A fish. Yes. They don't take up much room or cost much. They don't move or destroy things like every other living thing in your house. The upkeep is minimal and if they die, oh well, you flush them down the toilet and have a cup of tea. Sadly, kids like fish for about a week. That's the shelf life of excitement on a fish. Then all the sudden you're scrubbing a bowl weekly, conditioning water and feeding a pet that doesn't have the ability to love. Lame. After the fish, they will come at you with something else. For us it was parakeets. My oldest wanted a parakeet. But then she said we should go ahead and get two because they do better in pairs. ...
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