10 Things I will not be giving up for Lent...

1.  Junk Food.  I'm pretty good.  When I go rogue, it's usually for a good reason.
2.  Caffeine.  Why would I give up the one thing keeping me alive?!
3.  Facebook.  So not only am I a stay at home mom but I'm also going to eliminate my only other form of communication with grown ups and my source of sanity....yeah, no.
4.  Shopping.  I already hate it.  Hell is Walmart with four kids.  Or any other place where I have to look for things.  May as well add my kids to the list as they've just run off.  Oh, there they are pulling bra's off the rack at TJ Max saying, 'Look at these boobies!'
5.  Alcohol.  Strangely, this falls into the food group.  I'm not bad that often and when I am, it's usually for a good reason.  It's medicinal.  As in, my life is giving me a headache and I need something for that.  It's just like Tylenol.
6.  Yelling.  I just tried.  It was the hardest fifteen minutes of my life.
7.  Complaining.  I don't complain.  I vent.
8.  TV.  I'm kind of a show person and after finishing the season finale of Downton and binge watching Call the Midwife, I'm on a hiatus anyways.
9.  Gaming.  It was out of character but I became addicted to Candy Crush a few months ago.  Once I got to level 100 I quit cold turkey.  I'm not a gamer and don't enjoy closing my eyes and seeing my obsessions come to life Fantasia style.  Never again.
10.  Negative thoughts.  Damn.  Too late.

Why am I doing this???!

Apparently I skipped 4 the first time....Hmmm.  Maybe there's some medicine for that.  I find it comical that it took one of my friends that doesn't have kids to spot it!  Thanks Jamie. xxoo


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