0-NAUGHTY in less than 15 minutes...

It's a beautiful day so I decide to give the twins a pass on their nap since we've kind of been sporadically napping anyways.  They're 3.  I get it. 
I'm talking to my sister-in-law overseas while watching the twins play outside through the window.  They have just been warned not to climb onto the tables or back of the deck when...what do I see??: One of them climbing up the back of the deck!!!  Before I can even knock on the window to say 'get down' one twin pushes the other one and they go head over heals off the back.  It's only a 4 foot drop, into rocks!  I'm immediately running and cursing at the same time.  As I jump the deck in my too tight jeans and scoop them up, I'm amazed to find no harm done other than some scratches.  Thank God.  I was expecting a trip to the ER.
I decide we ALL need some quiet time and send them both upstairs to take a nap while finishing a few things downstairs, including getting their blankets they peed on the night before out of the dryer.  
I hear giggles and running upstairs.  Never a good sign.  I make a run for it.  The first thing I see is wet foot prints all over the bathroom floor.  I'm not sure if it's pee or toilet water.  Either way, I'm pissed.  Then I head to their room to find they have gotten a hold of some lotion and painted a bed, a dresser and the carpet.  Pissed immediately turns to rage.  Why???!!!  I strip the bed, scrub the carpet, wipe up the pee soaked floor, and clear the lotion away with all things that have been compromised, all while yelling one word. 'NAUGHTY!!!' 
It's amazing what can happen in fifteen minutes with twins.


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