10 Reason our bastard Elf didn't move

1.  Are you sure he didn't move?
2.  He looks like he moved a little.  Look, his arms look different.
3.  He must really like that spot.
4.  Flying to the North Pole is exhausting....maybe he decided he was too tired.
5.  Did you touch him???
6.  I touched him.  I'm sorry, but he was slouching and I thought I was helping.  I'm sure if we leave him he will move tomorrow.
7.  Maybe Santa came here!  How cool would that be??
8.  Well, we weren't home a lot yesterday.  Maybe he didn't have enough to report.
9.  He's lazy.  Maybe his real name should be Sir lazy-pants!
10.  I dunno, were you naughty???  Did you touch the ornaments on the tree?!
You know he hates that.


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