The Irreplaceables +

There are so very few people in our lives that love us unconditionally.  They are the ones constantly wondering how they can make our lives better.  Usually it's the people who play a pivotal roll in our upbringing and journey through life.  The ones that teach us the difficult lessons and share the joy in our discoveries.  The ones that journey beside us and lead us through, and to, some of our greatest adventures.
These people, with their 'what can I do for you' mentality are irreplaceable.
For most adults out there, we've lost a few.  It's the people we think of in the hard times and wonder if they are watching.  Are they proud?...
The more of these people we loose, the more we take on their roll.  However big their shoes were, we try to fill them because if they were important to us, then everything that they stood for and believed in was important.  While we will never be them, we will try to be like them.
And it will be hard.  But then life is hard.  They knew this.  The trouble is, this truth blindsides us because there's no way we can know what it means until we have to live it.
Life is like a show.  When we are still in the audience we don't see behind the curtain or even think about what's going on backstage.   Very quickly, we grow up.  We finally get that independence we spend our youth dream of and, Surprise!, it's not that great.  Our youthful sweet perception of independence has no idea what it really means to be in charge or the heart wrenching pain of aging out our irreplaceable.   It's not our fault that we lack this wisdom.  True wisdom is acquired over time.  If our irreplaceables could have warned us, they wouldn't have bothered.  It would be like warning a pregnant woman about the impending pain in child birth.  Futile.  Their only job was to pass on their knowledge and build us up internally.  Their success means we will know the paths to take and how to cope.
Once we become the producers of life, we may never watch a show again, just marvel at the audience, remembering what it was like when it was us watching.
As we loose our loved ones, we carry on with what they have taught us trying to be what they have been to us all along.


And when someone considers you irreplaceable, you will never be forgotten.


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