Unbelievable Rules I Never Thought I'd Have To Make: Part 1 +
In a house with four kids, to prevent chaos, there must be rules. Some rules are a given such as: No hitting, kicking or biting. No name calling. No throwing food at the table (when not at the table, anything is game of course). However some rules you never foresaw having to make. Here are some of our ridiculous house rules. 1. No weapons before 9am! In fact take all the weapons outside! Nothing like getting shot in the face with a nerf gun while making your morning cup of tea. NO!!!! 2. Don't wipe your boogers or poop on the floor or wall. If your hands come in contact with anything suspect, please wash them. For the love of all that is good and decent, wash them. 3. Don't put your butt in other peoples faces especially if it is naked, no exceptions...unless your married and then you won't have any interest. 4. No shorts while there's still snow on the ground. I will just go ahead and hi...