Trauma Induced Tourettes (TIT's) +

This is what I have in my mind:  It's the scene in the Christmas Story when the little boy drops the bolts he was suppose to be holding for his father and the words come out....'Oh F#$%'
Just a slip of the tongue.  Something he heard his dad say.  The sad truth is where they pick this stuff up.  As parents we know.  That is why we are so careful with what we say, what we let the kids watch and who we let them hang out with (uncles excluded: we can only do so much).  So that's why it's so convicting when you are driving down the road and your toddler drops something they were playing with and says, 'Oh Sh%#!'
or you are using all your energy to buckle a five point harness and they look up and say 'F&*% this' (exactly what you were thinking!!!).  
There's that three seconds where you think, 'Nah, they didn't just say that'. So you ask them to repeat themselves.  You're immediately sorry.
You can reprimand big kids but toddlers, you just have to ignore because the more attention you give to something, the more likely you are to see it again. 
Now don't get me wrong, I'm a sailor in my mind but thankfully very little of what I'm actually thinking comes out.  So, I start questioning where they could have heard these things.  I almost never drop the F bomb and am usually an 'Oh biscuits' sort of girl but that's not to say there aren't scenarios it which I fall down (sometimes literally).  But I don't throw down the big ones unless....
True Confession:  I have something I like to call Trauma Induced Tourettes.
When someone is in imminent danger, falls down the stairs, smashes their fingers in a door or has blood gushing from their head or extremities...I let it rip.
And it's not like Oh, ___!
It's like all the words I've been holding in come out at once to make a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious kind of curse word.  I can't settle for just one.  As soon as one comes out, I immediately try to cover my tracks with another word, but the only words I have in my arsenal are bad.  I admit it.  It's awful.
Now, this trauma induced Tourettes only happens with actual trauma or at least perceived trauma.  As in, we may be heading to the ER.  It's not for your everyday bad things.  Someone has to be hurt, usually one of mine and it literally scares the SH$% out of me.  Or the 'F$%&, Sh&*, crap, damn, Son of a B*&%$'----you get the picture.  I should probably rule out ER nurse as a profession.  (Ha. Like I haven't already retired.)
Hopefully, the fact that I guard my everyday language will protect what they hear and they wont remember what I say when we are in the throws of pain and chaos.  I'm banking on it.  Because, if they drop the 'bolts' and I hear it, I will own their butts.

Side note:  The acronym for Trauma Induced Tourettes is TITs.  Do you have TITs? I do.


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