Mother Ships +

As I pass by another mini van with a another mama I recognize, I do a half smile and wave.  It's the closest we will ever come to having a conversation.  She's probably awesome, I just don't have enough energy for any extracurricular activities/relationships.  It's probably mutual.  The bottom line is our lives revolve around these vehicles and the cargo inside.  'Get in the van!' and 'Get out of the van!'  This spews out of my mouth at high volumes everyday at the designated times.  It is also my personal mantra.
Sometimes when everyone else is in the van, I take a moment to make a cup of tea or maybe throw in a load of laundry and contemplate life; possibly how awesome college was and how I didn't appreciate it.  Oh crap, it's been five minutes!  I have to get in the van!  It's only a matter of time before the mutaniny starts.  As I make my approach, I can hear the sounds of children yelling.  I take a deep breath before I open the door.  Get in the van, I whisper under my breath.  I get in and question why no one has their seatbelt on yet?  I settle the maddness by putting on the DVD of the week, which will run in a loop until I think to change it, possibly next week.  I will be able to recite the dialogue with in two days.  My husband was reluctant to get a van with a DVD player because he was worried we would overuse it and the kids would never learn to just sit and ride without being entertained.  He was right, but at this stage of madness, no one cares.  Other than getting Enya's album of Sail Away, to calm the storm, it's all I've got.  Maybe there some sort of self help for children, Soup for the Soul for kids stuck in cars with low energy spaced out moms on DVD.  I'll check at the library the next time I think that it is a good idea to take four children to the library...
Once in travel mode everyone seems to settle and we have a certain peace that comes and goes.  It is almost enjoyable, as I cruise on autopilot.   I do not see you friend of mine that is waving.  I see nothing.  Except people or cars coming between me and the next destination.  Everyone is safe and contained. I don't have to do anything except drive.  It  becomes the ultimate stall and if I'm being really honest, I don't want to get out of the van.   I'm on another planet and my mode of transport is my mother ship.


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