The case for NOT having just one kid

Note to readers:  I will use italics to illustrate sarcasm and ridiculous statements.

I just read an outstanding article on why we should all have just one child!

Just kidding.  It was crap and I'm not just saying that because I have four kids.  The case for having just one kid was crap because the reasoning was unsubstantial and horribly argued.   This article gives a top 10 reason list on why someone should only have one child which I would love to dispel right here:

1.  It's eco-friendly.  I would like to know how.  Are you raising your child to be more aware of our environment?  Do you recycle/reuse everything?  Do you grow your own produce?  Do you use less gas/petrol?  Do you buy second hand? Doubtful.  Very Doubtful.  I would love to write a separate article on this alone.  Thanks for the inspiration.  If you are raising eco-friendly children and environmentally conscious yourself, then you're doing your part, regardless of how many children you're having.  

2.  Your whole family fits into one row of an airplane.  This is the worst reason I have ever heard and also not true.  My whole family fits in a row as well but then we fly to Scotland and the rows are just a bit longer I suppose.  Touché.   Also, if you told me I couldn't sit right next to my children on an airplane, I wouldn't be completely heartbroken.

3.  You can invite your childless friends over for dinner without scaring them off.  I have two types of childless friends:  Those that don't have kids but would love them and those that just don't like kids.  The formers are dying to come over to get their hands on my kids and the latter I spend time with engaging in our other shared interests.  Yes, I still have those.  On top of that, my real friends don't scare that easy.

4.  You save money--and who doesn't want to save money?  This is legit.  You will save money.  Well played.  
Unless your the type of mom who buys your child the best of everything, all the time, regardless of the price.  Even the most ridiculous things. Spoiler:  If you are the type of mom to decide to only have one child you are at higher risk of being this mom.

5.  You avoid being cliché.  You sound like a typical one child mom to me so far.

6.  You don't feel compelled to buy a minivan.  Two and three children, and you can still have whatever car you choose.  P.S.  I love my minivan and will still be driving it like a boss when my kids are in college.

7.  No one will quibble over your will.  No one will quibble if everything is written down.  Do a better job on your will.  Obviously the favorite gets everything!

8.  You have time and energy to pursue your own interests, socialize with friends and devote to your marriage.  I think you still have time to do these things when you have more kids.  You should have said 'more' time and even then I would have argued about how much time YOU need.  I personally had enough time to write this but then again maybe I should be spending my time more wisely instead of writing a ridiculous blog justifying my life.

9.  You can hold hands with every single member of your family at once.   Seriously!?  You just wanted to get to 10, right???  Is this part of your marriage counseling or quality time??  My family would kick your family's ass at any sport, probably fairly easily since you will all be holding hands.

10.  You get to focus on quality--not quality.   You may get more one on one time but I would argue whether your providing your child with a quality upbringing.  You are creating a world centered around them and that world, outside you, doesn't exists (you are in bold because I don't believe all mothers of one are doing this, just you and your like-minded followers).  Your pandering is going to create a child that has no sense of reality and can't wipe their own ass.  I get quality time with all of my children without catering to their every whim.  If they are seriously having a hard time with something, we can deal with that but because I can't deal with every little thing, they get to learn invaluable coping skills that will help them live a life that isn't dependent on me for everything.  They also learn to be good helpers to their brothers and sisters.  This teaches them, not only that they are not alone in this world, but to think of others.

Yes, your child wants a sibling.  Your sweet answer [that they can be a sister to everyone] may soothe them now and may even sound clever but it's not.  It's impossible to be a 'sister' (or 'brother') to someone you only see now and then and have no responsibility or accountability to.  You are sugar coating what it is to be a sibling.  Real brothers and sisters have to suffer together to create the true bond of sibling-hood.  They are the ones that may not call all the time but when the shit hits the fan, will be at your back in the blink of an eye.  The 'sister' you are referring to, is called a friend.   They are great and a necessity as well, but will never know what it's like to be your sister.

Although siblings are a huge blessing to a child, sometimes having more doesn't work out.  Everyone's circumstances are different.  There's nothing wrong with having only one, just don't try to tell me why it's best.  There is no 'best'.  Unless you have four, obviously!  Just kidding, I'm not about to tell everyone to have four kids.  In fact, I'm sure YOU shouldn't.  I have plenty of friends and even family that only have one child.  It's the mentality behind the decision to PLAN on only having one I have a problem with.    I believe this article was written in response to friendly questions asking 'why?'  Not everyone that decides to have one child is is making a selfish choice but you are and with every ridiculous bullet point you try to validate it.  

IF your going to venture into parenthood, you should try to be as selfless as humanly possible.  However, if you are one of these people that wants to plan/control everything and only have one child so you can spoil them rotten, please just do us all a favor......get a dog.


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