Spoilers for the Youth: Adult Hangovers +
Dear young people, I used to be you. I could stay up all night, drink whatever mixture was put in front of me and wake up the next morning like nothing happened. Well, maybe not like nothing happened but minimal suffering with a possible fuzzy feeling. And nothing bad enough to detour me from doing it all again the next night. (Although there was one night I did 7 shots of tequila and I had to take a week off.) Oh and did I eat that entire pizza??? When you're young you can party how you please and it's all good in the morning. If not, go back to bed and sleep it off. Welcome to adulthood, things are different. For starters I have four kids, so there is no such thing as sleeping in. 'Sleeping in' is making 6:30 without WWIII breaking out. Once up there is no going back, just counting the hours until bedtime. Just staying up late, will cause you to wake up feeling like you have a hangover. Then add an actual hangover and yo...