Rich People Problems

My friend Amy was visiting and I was giving her the full court press to move to the greatest town in the world, Quincy, IL.  I should really be the rush chair or whatever the equivalent is because I'm always selling the subject.  Anyways, my friend says, 'I could never move here because gas is too expensive.'  To which I replied, 'Oh, I'm sorry?? You can't afford to fill up your brand new Honda Oddessy?? Because gas in IL is a few cents more expensive?!!!'  YOU, my friend, have a rich person problem.'  This became our ongoing joke and the inspiration for this blog...

Now, you don't have to be rich to have 'rich people problems'.  These are just things you say that sound 'bad'.  I mean, if you are reading this blog you are probably rich comparatively speaking.  So take all of this with a grain of salt....preferably around a margarita glass.
So, here we go...

You may have rich people problems if you:
1.  Say 'Oh no, I'm all out of Tahini!'
2.  Can't find sheets in a high enough thread count.
3.  Are angered by high fructose corn syrup being in most 'mainstream' food.
4.  The grocery store has run out of: the organic cereal you like, Noosa and Kombucha.  Oh and Tahini!
5.  You didn't have time to hit Starbucks today.  See also I'm spending too much money at Starbucks.
6.  Wonder where you should go this winter/summer?
7.  Can't decide between two things so you buy both.  (this can apply to anything)
8.  Worrying how much it will cost to put all your kids through college while they are still babies.
9.  You're happy when your kids toys break so you can actually throw some of this 'stuff' away.
10.  Care about what kind of wine this is.  See also tea, beer, gin and vodka.
11.  Your kids have a schedule and you don't have time to do much else.  Ugh!
12.  Will ask a babysitter 'how much?' because you don't care.  It was worth it!
13.  Are just not sure about your landscaping.
14.  Wish your cleaning lady did 'something' differently.
15.  Worry or don't worry about the kids breaking the ipad.  Seriously, don't throw the ipad!
16.  Talk about high def. and pixels.
17.  Sad you don't have a Target.  See also World Market, Trader Joes and Whole Foods ect.
18.  Have a Gluten 'sensitivity'.  Ha, I know this can be real but seriously????  See also I'm allergic to Mold.  Isn't everyone?

And so many more.....I love you all.
YOU are the reason and inspiration.
Let's all be grateful! 
Oh and let me know what your rich person problem is, I will add it to the list!!! :)


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