Rich People Problems
My friend Amy was visiting and I was giving her the full court press to move to the greatest town in the world, Quincy, IL. I should really be the rush chair or whatever the equivalent is because I'm always selling the subject. Anyways, my friend says, 'I could never move here because gas is too expensive.' To which I replied, 'Oh, I'm sorry?? You can't afford to fill up your brand new Honda Oddessy?? Because gas in IL is a few cents more expensive?!!!' YOU, my friend, have a rich person problem.' This became our ongoing joke and the inspiration for this blog... Now, you don't have to be rich to have 'rich people problems'. These are just things you say that sound 'bad'. I mean, if you are reading this blog you are probably rich comparatively speaking. So take all of this with a grain of salt....preferably around a margarita glass. So, here we go... You may have rich people problems if you: 1. Say 'Oh no, ...