Unicorns and Rainbows

At some point I must of told Isla people die when they are 100, because she brought it up last month. As you can guess the discussion went something like: Me: You know Poppy's real sick. Isla: Ya but he's not 100 so he'll be okay, right? Ugh! Cue heartbreak. This leads me into my topic of Unicorns and Rainbows and other things we lie to our kids about. I borrowed the header from my cousin Anna. Anyways, my question: Is it worth it? Here are the things I've lied about (recently) paired with the reasons for said lie:
 1. (and #1 on so many of our lists) Santa Claus.  Also Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, a leprachan named Lester and an Elf named Peter (if we are being completely honest). Reason:  Magic. Real life magic. We all want to believe, remember believing and want our kids to have that same feeling when they open their presents, see an Easter basket, and find something under their pillow (or are taken on a mad scavenger hunt to find presents in the garage). I mean most of our parents lied to us so it is probably okay. Right? I understand we don't want to overshadow the big guy but I love Jesus, my kids love Jesus.  I think it's cool. 
2. Yes they buried our dog. Explaining cremation is out of my comfort zone. That's a lot.
3. How do babies come out of your bottom? Answer: Magic. I'm not sure this is a lie.
4. People live to 100. She was worried about Grandma dying and since she's 85 I rounded up so we could get over it fast.  I desperately wish this one was true....especially now.
5. Characters on TV. Sure they can be real. Isla made an observation the other day that she thought that fairies are not real because real people can't fly.....unless they are in an airplane or have pixie dust. Phew!  That was close
6. What are you drinking?  Answer: Juice.  They don't need to know any different.  Just watch the TV people! 
7.  What are you and daddy doing in there?  Answer:  Nothing.  When you are old enough to know, you will lie to yourself!
8.  I'm busy.  Actually, I'm not.  I just want you to leave me alone because its been a long day of 'mommy! mommy!' and your voice is starting to sound like nails on a chalkboard--inner monologue.
9.  You may poke your eye out, loose a finger or break your neck.  Is exaggerating to manipulate behavior really lying??
10.  Honesty is always the best policy....until you're child asks someone if they are fat or pregnant. 

Totally worth it.


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