You may be a mean girl if...
If you're raising young girls, or girls of any age, you know there's going to be drama. Heck, I'm a grown woman and sometimes feel I'm in a Real Housewives episode with some of the grown up drama I see. So how do we combat this and teach our girls to be Switzerland in the constant hormone war of female dominance? How do we teach them not to be the mean girl? Well, with all problems, I think we need to identify what a 'mean girl' does so that we can know what not to do. I just did this excersice with my nine year olds. We had an open conversation about what might be a mean girl thing to say or do and we did some role playing. I said, 'You might be behaving like a mean girl if you.....' 1. Say, 'I don't want to be your friend anymore.' because you didn't get your way. Real friends talk about things and work through their problems. Friends never hold their friendship randsom or blackmail each other. People comfortable doing th...