GMO's in the Brave New World

Today on the Corrie farm we learned about corn, soy bean seeds and planting. The hot topic of the day was GMO's. Scary right? Things that we don't understand can be. I may have been a little uneasy with GMO's before my conversation with these farmers. Luckily they were ready for my questions and possibly majored in bio chemistry with an emphasis in 'I can use big words'. Anyways, for the general public I'm going to break it down for you. GMO's are genetically modified organisms. Monks actually came up with this stuff...naturally. It's when you mix different plant genes to get a certain type of plant, as in one that will be the most viable in it's allocated environment. This may be a helpful example: if you plant spicy peppers in your garden right next to lettuce, you may get a salad with a kick. True story. GMO's have created a Gattaca-like world of plants. Gattaca is a movie featuring Ethan Hawke and Jude Law (Ooo Law la...